Online Pick Ups has moved!
We've spent months and months developing our brand new Customer Portal.
The Portal allows you to obtain Quotes and schedule Pick Ups INSTANTLY and 100% Online.
1) On the Home Page, click "Get an INSTANT Quote" or "Book a Pickup"
2) If you have an account with Willy's Trucking, click "Yes" when asked (If you click "No Account", your rates will not be applied to the quotes/shipments which will likely add additional costs)
3) Click "Create Account"
4) Contact our Sales team at 780-488-2300 ext. 1007 or at shelby@willystrucking.com to obtain your Access Code and Customer Number
5) Enter your email and create a password. You are able to register as many emails as you'd like using the same Access Code/Customer Number.
Please note: If an employee leaves your company, you must contact us to remove their access to the Portal. We recommend only registering essential personnel, or registering one account that can stay logged in on a shared computer.
Questions? Concerns? Contact shelby@willystrucking.com