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Accessibility Plan 2023-2026


Willy’s Trucking Service (the “Company”) is committed to providing a barrier-free environment  for all stakeholders, including customers, employees, job applicants, suppliers, and any visitors  who enter the premises, access information provided by the Company, or use the Company’s  services. 


The Company will work to identify and remove barriers, and prevent new barriers, for persons  with disabilities as they relate to employment, communication, the built environment, and  transportation at the Company. This plan outlines the Company’s Accessibility Plan and strategy  for identifying, removing, and preventing these barriers. 

The Company is part of a network of wholly-owned companies and limited partnerships that are  subsidiaries of Mullen Group Ltd. (“Mullen Group”). Mullen Group’s corporate office (“Corporate  Office”) provides the Company certain services and will assist with the development and  implementation of the Accessibility Plan on an ongoing basis. 



Barrier: Anything physical, architectural, technological, or attitudinal, anything that is based on  information or communications, or anything that isthe result of a policy or a practice that hinders the full and equal participation in society of a person with an impairment, including a physical,  mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication, or sensory impairment, or a functional  limitation. 


Disability: Any impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning,  communication, and sensory impairment, or functional limitation that is either permanent, temporary, or episodic in nature. It can be evident or not in interaction with a barrier to hinder a  person’s full and equal participation in society. 


Accessibility Plan: This Accessibility Plan includes an overview of our policies, programs, practices,  and services in relation to the identification and removal of barriers and the prevention of new  barriers. The Accessibility Plan was prepared and published by June 1, 2023, and will be updated  every three years following that, or sooner if necessary. 


The Accessibility Plan was developed in consultation with persons with disabilities and indicates  how they were consulted. This process is followed for the creation of and any updates to the plan.  The Company adheres to all requirements made by regulation in the development and ongoing  maintenance of the Accessibility Plan.



This information is provided for the purposes of providing feedback and for requesting alternative  formats of the plan and/or feedback process.  


Feedback Process and Contact Information  

The Company welcomes feedback regarding the manner in which it is implementing its  Accessibility Plan and any barriers encountered by persons with disabilities. Persons who provide  formal feedback will receive acknowledgement of their feedback in the same manner in which it  was received, unless feedback is submitted anonymously. The Company is committed to  reviewing the feedback received in good faith and taking steps to address barriers identified in  this feedback.  


Feedback can be submitted in person, by mail, by telephone and by email to:  

Human Resources Specialist 

780-488-2300 ext.1048 

#205 12232 – 156 St NW  

Edmonton AB, T5V 1E6 


Feedback can be provided anonymously, if desired, and will remain confidential unless the person  consents to the disclosure of their personal information. Feedback is received in whatever format  the individual providing the feedback is most comfortable with. Any feedback received will be  reviewed with the Company’s Business Unit Leader, and provided to Corporate Office.  Consideration will be given to the feedback upon review by the representative collecting  feedback, the Company’s Business Unit Leader and Corporate Office and a response or summary  will be included in the next progress report.  


Any changes to the Accessibility Plan or the feedback process are published as soon as reasonably  possible and notice of any changes are reported to the Accessibility Commissioner. The personal  information of anyone who provides feedback remains confidential in accordance with all  applicable privacy laws. 


Alternative Formats  

The Accessibility Plan is offered in any of the following formats upon request:   

• Print; 

• Large print; 

• Braille; 

• Audio; and 

• Electronic.


You can request alternative formats of the Accessibility Plan by contacting:  

Human Resources Specialist 

780-488-2300 ext.1048 

#205 12232 – 156 St NW  

Edmonton AB, T5V 1E6 


The Accessibility Plan will be made available as soon as feasible. In the instance of a request for  the plan in a Braille or audio format, it will be provided 45 days after the day the request was  received. Requests for other formats will be provided within 15 days after the day the request  was received. 


i. Employment  

The Company understands that improving workplace accessibility and ensuring an accessible  recruitment and selection process for applicants with disabilities can contribute to a more diverse  and welcoming workplace culture. The Company reviews its practices and procedures to identify,  remove, and prevent barriers by developing inclusive employment procedures that support  persons with disabilities. Where necessary, accommodations are made during the recruitment  and selection stages, and throughout the employment lifecycle. Technological and systemic  barriers may exist for employee orientation and training, as such, training and development  programs provided by the Company should be reviewed to consider an employee’s barriers and  abilities. Systemic barriers can be identified with respect to conventions associated with the hiring  process.  

  • The Company will review current job application processes for persons with disabilities  who experience barriers, and evaluate potential alternatives. 

  • Review corporate policies, with the support of Corporate Office, that pertain to  accommodations for employees and candidates with disabilities and make plans to  remove any barriers that are discovered. 

  • Train those responsible for hiring on the barriers that may exist in the hiring, selection  and accommodation process, with support from Corporate Office.  

  • Review human resource policies for improvements with respect to inclusion and  accessibility, with support from Corporate Office. 

  • Provide online learning on accessibility and inclusiveness to employees. ∙ Offer training on unconscious bias to human resources employees to improve awareness  of accessibility issues. 

  • Review potential opportunities, where suitable, for establishing mentorship for  employees of the Company that are persons with disabilities. 


ii. The Built Environment  

The Company wishes to improve its publicly accessible facilities with a goal of working towards  making such facilities free of physical barriers, in order to promote a space of inclusivity. Physical  barriers may exist in the Company’s offices and facilities, that can be improved upon. 

  • With support from Corporate Office, the Company will evaluate its offices and facilities  to assess the need for further accessibility features. 

  • The Company will review and update, as necessary, its emergency and disaster response  plans to account for employees, and visitors with disabilities. 

  • Evaluate facilities to verify that smoke, fire and other emergency alarms have visual and  auditory signals, and assess if improvements are required. 

  • Review Company workspaces, and customer facing facility areas to identify any physical  barriers, by the end of 2025 and plan improvements. 


iii. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) 

Software with accessibility functionality is already utilized by the Company; however, the  Company recognizes that systemic barriers exist within technology and presumptions made about  its use. The Company wishes to remove barriers and improve accessibility for employees with  disabilities, by making such technology more accessible.  

  • Add accessibility as an evaluation metric when acquiring or developing new software or  technology, with support from Corporate Office.  

  • Review website content for any minor barriers, including assessing the following:  o Text contrast; 

    • Text size;  

    • Navigation and compatibility with screen readers; and 

    • Clear formatting. 

  • Provide guidance and support on the accessibility features of utilized software with  existing accessibility features. 


iv. Communication other than ICT  

  • The Company acknowledges that content and medium are both important in providing accessible  communication to its customers, employees, job applicants, suppliers, and any visitors that access  the premises. Communication barriers exist in the content and format of online information, in person interactions and meetings and presentations. One of the Company’s goals is to work  towards providing more accessible communications. 

  • Provide training on accessibility and barriers for employees who work on  communications, including information on potential different communication styles. ∙ Evaluate website, social media posts, meetings and presentation conventions and  practices to create a plan to address barriers to accessibility if discovered, including  assessing the following:  

    • Adding alternative text for images;  

    • Using high contrast font; and 

    • Providing transcripts of audio and video posts, where appropriate. 

  • Review virtual meeting practices for accessibility, including the provision of  presentations and real time transcripts, and considering alternative means of  communication. 

  • Review orientation processes and resources for new employees for improvements to  accessibility, with the support of Corporate Office. 


v. Procurement of Goods, Services and Facilities 

Procurement practices' have the potential to be subject to unconscious bias and systemic barriers. It is the Company’s goal to consider accessibility in its procurement processes, where  possible.  


  • Review procurement practices and improve, where reasonable and applicable, to  consider accessibility in the purchase of goods, services and the use or purchase of  facilities. 


vi. Design and Delivery of Programs and Services  

The Company’s primary customers are other businesses, and as such, evaluafing the design and delivery of programs and services to the public is not applicable. The Company considers the  design and delivery of programs and services as it might apply to its employees and customers.  


  • Review the accessibility of design and delivery of programs and services with respect to  employees and customers with disabilities. 


vii. Transportation  

The Company’s business may provide transportation, logistics services, and/or specialized and  industrial services, it does not provide passenger transportation services. As such, barriers to the  public and passenger-based services are not considered. The Company’s focus is on continually  evaluating potential barriers that exist for employees and candidates. Such barriers might include,  physical barriers, like ramps, curbs, vehicle and equipment design or lack of vehicle and  equipment adaptability. The Company will work towards reducing barriers for employees with disabilities to the extent reasonable, pursuant to applicable occupational health and safety  legislation, and other relevant legislation.  


  • Assess the accommodations available for vehicles and equipment that would be  compliant with the Company’s occupational health and safety, and other relevant  legislative, contractual and other obligations for opportunities for safe implementation. 



The Company understands that collaborating with persons with disabilities is an important factor  in developing an Accessibility Plan. Mullen Group consulted with the Foothills Advocacy in Motion  Society (“FAIM”) on behalf of its federally regulated subsidiaries in the development of this  Accessibility Plan (the “Consultation”). The Consultation process was two-fold and included: 

a) a review completed by FAIM of a draft of the Accessibility Plan; and 

b) several in person conversations with persons with disabilities facilitated by FAIM 


The first facet of the Consultation consisted of FAIM reviewing and providing feedback on a draft  of the Accessibility Plan, prior to the in-person portion of the Consultation. The second facet of  the Consultation included in-person discussions that were facilitated by a staff member of FAIM.  These discussions posed questions and asked for input regarding the barriers faced by persons  with disabilities, including, physical, attitudinal, technological and communication barriers. These  conversations also asked for input on recommendations for improving policies and procedures to  support persons with disabilities, and for recommendations on the inclusiveness and accessibility  of events and activities. 


Progress Reports 

The Company prepares, publishes, and submits a progress report to the Accessibility  Commissioner regarding the implementation of the Accessibility Plan each year the plan is not  required to be updated. This report follows a similar structure to the Accessibility Plan and  includes feedback and contact information, information about the consultations completed for  the development of the plan, and any good faith feedback received on the Accessibility Plan. The  report addresses how the consultations and feedback were taken into consideration during the  process. Progress reports can be made available upon request and are available in all accessible  formats the Accessibility Plan is available in. 


Document Retention 

The Company keeps detailed records of the creation, implementation, and updating of the  Accessibility Plan and progress reports. The Accessibility Plan and feedback process are retained for seven years from the publication date. Any  feedback provided to the company is retained for seven years from the date it is received. Where necessary, names and personal information of individuals and employees who participated in the  feedback process are redacted to ensure confidentiality and privacy. The Company will not retain  contact information for any anonymously provided feedback. 

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